Det första vi gjorde var att rätta tre texter från gårdagens dictogloss. Till sist skrev vi en text där vi beskrev den svenska vintern och svarade på 


The Effectiveness of Using Dictogloss Strategy on Developing Tenth Graders’ English Grammar Study Sample: The study sample consisted of (68) students, the number of students in two classes out of the 8 classes of tenth grade, who were randomly assigned to an

The Effect of Dictogloss Technique on . Students’ Achievement in Writing Spoof Text. A Thesis. English Department.

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As this is a new procedure for me I felt it would be better to use an established resource rather than experimenting with producing my own material. Dictogloss for stesl Läraren väljer ut en text och läser högt ett par gånger i helklass. Eleverna antecknar under.. För er som inte vet vad ett dictogloss är har Kristina Asker (2005) skrivit en utförlig rapport i ämnet som går att läsa på Nationellt centrum för andraspråks hemsida. SEM dictogloss, with pre-task activity 1 + dictogloss text 1 (items 1–6). STRUC dictogloss, with pre-task activity 2 + dictogloss text 2 (items 7–12).


Dictogloss is a type of supported dictation. The teacher reads a short, curriculum-related text several times and the learners try to produce their own version as close to the original as possible. The ideal dictogloss text is at a language level slightly above that of the learners, but with familiar subject content.

The researcher uses dictogloss method as the effective method to solve the problem above. According with Jacobs and Small (2003: 1), “dictogloss is a new way of dictation” which was developed by Ruth Wajnryb. Dictogloss, in term of objective and procedures, in different from dictation. Purba, Fanny Amelia.

Dictogloss sample texts

A dictogloss is a classroom dictation activity where learners are required to construct a short text (3 sentences) by listening and taking notes, which are then used to reconstruct the text. There are many key skills used in this type of lesson; listening, note-taking, communication with other students, grammar and vocabulary development.

Dictogloss sample texts

Essentially, students write notes rather than every word. They then have time to turn those notes into the original paragraph. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Dictogloss listening procedure The basic steps in dictogloss listening classes are the same as those outlined by Wajnrub (1990) for the purpose of grammar teaching. undervisningen med relativt lätta texter, och inom komvux används dictogloss både på grundläggande nivå och på gymnasienivå. Man får helt enkelt anpassa texter och innehåll efter elevernas kunskaper. Man kan också anpassa läshastighet och den tid som eleverna får lägga ner på texten. Den lilla gruppens sammansättning är också viktig.
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The texts below are designed to help you develop while giving you an instant evaluation of your progress.

This study intended to find out the effect of Dictogloss technique on students’ achievement in writing spoof text. For example, I used the following text with a class of Higher Intermediate and Advanced learners: When I was a kid I used to enjoy my summers.
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Dictogloss is a language teaching technique that is used to teach grammatical structures, in which students form small groups and summarize a target-language text. Dictogloss is often regarded as a multiple skills and systems activity since learners practice listening, writing and speaking and use vocabulary and grammar in order to complete the task.

Faculty of Language and Arts. State University of Medan. 2016.

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was to find out whether dictogloss technique able or not to improve students' ability In this part, the researcher will give an example of descriptive text that.

Dictogloss. Explain the dictogloss to your students: You will read the story to them several times. A note on delivery, read the text in a natural way, don’t pause mid-sentence, follow the punctuation. You may want to exaggerate the pauses after full stops and commas to give students a bit of extra processing time. According to Jacobs (2003:1), Dictogloss is an integrated skills technique for language learning in which students work together to create a reconstructed version of a text read to them by their teacher.Dictoglossis a classroom dictation activity where learners listen to a text, usually a short one, and then reconstruct it.

recount text. Keyword : Dictogloss Teaching Strategy, Writing, Recount Text as sample”. So, in this research, it was taken 60 students as sample which will.

Dictogloss listening procedure The basic steps in dictogloss listening classes are the same as those outlined by Wajnrub (1990) for the purpose of grammar teaching. undervisningen med relativt lätta texter, och inom komvux används dictogloss både på grundläggande nivå och på gymnasienivå. Man får helt enkelt anpassa texter och innehåll efter elevernas kunskaper. Man kan också anpassa läshastighet och den tid som eleverna får lägga ner på texten. Den lilla gruppens sammansättning är också viktig.

Dictogloss is often regarded as a multiple skills and systems activity since learners practice listening, writing and speaking and use vocabulary and grammar in order to complete the task. Hej! Idag gjorde vi Dictogloss i grupp 27 och halva grupp 26. Det gör man för att träna sig på att lyssna, tänka och samarbeta! Ni var jätteduktiga och ALLA texter blev superbra! Här kan ni läsa både min text, och alla de texter som ni skrev i klassrummet. Dictogloss Trevlig helg, vi ses på… Här är texten från dagens dictogloss. Bra studerat!